Rapid implementation of a Firefox OS application. (RIFOA)

I have an idea but it is not very clear, because I wanted to create a system for creating Firefox Os application with command line such as Ubuntu Quickly for creating programs under Linux or more precisely the Ubuntu distribution , but after discussing with my friend @geogeek1 he said why not create an Eclipse plugin that allows you to create a skeleton of our Os Firefox application.

Yes it is a good idea that many developers will love and take it seriously and start creating this plugin.

I even think that there are others who have the same idea and the other working on.

However I stick to my idea ( command line) , so I do not like working with JAVA but it is not the only reason, but I like to make this application in Python or C , I want anyone can edit ( add, remove , upgrade , repeat .... ) another way , not only the code will be open source but the most novice of us ( I am one) will understand and modify.

I do not know yet who is working on a similar project , but I'm working with meadows and if this is not the case , I invite any person want to work on this project with me.

I apologize for my poor English; Thanks.


